Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Busy Hands...

Well, that's how I feel anyway, even with as tired as I am. I suppose I should say "busy chauffeur/snackmaster/shower monitor" instead? The town here has a summer program...two weeks of classes per session. We just wrapped up Session I...Hurray!!! Ah, but the nomads are highly disappointed that we don't wake up and start running. Arts & Crafts was the chosen class. I suppose it's because we travel so much over great distances that I don't like to travel much wherever we're bunked down at? Anyway, what fun was had!

Capt'n Crash had a marvelous time! Oh, the piles and piles of crafts that were brought back to be lovingly placed in Mum's hands. Paper sunglasses with foam stickers, lanyards, painted suncatchers...but this one...this hat...has stayed in a certain young man's possession 100% (I think it must be extra special).

See? Googly eyes! Wings! Stripes! It's a bee! Thankfully, no stinger. Can you imagine the torment that would cause to his sisters?

And so Arts & Crafts is over.
But Swim...Ah yes, Swim continues. Two more weeks. I have to admit...the kids enjoy themselves...the lifeguards are quite outnumbered though, so it's more of a closely-supervised free swim than anything else.

Capt'n Crash putting the moves on his Swim teacher
(he seems to make sure that he's close to her whenever possible...I'm not sure that she's noticed yet)

People out here actually stick around for their kids' lessons! Not all, mind you, but a fair number. So, I happily sit in the bleachers and converse with adults for two hours while the two older nomads alternate their lessons, the smallest reserving her time for building grand waterways (aka pits) in the sand under the bleachers ($3 for hand trowel, garden rake & just can't go wrong!) and eating whatever she can dig out of Mum's purse (don't worry...I hid the chocolate!...that's another story though.). Then, off to the house for lunch and showers (Pumpkin is deathly afraid of her hair turning green from the chlorine in the pool. I think it would go well with her skin tone, but she doesn't see the humor in that.)

Did you catch that though? I actually converse with ADULTS!!!! I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do after Swim is finished.

Oh, that's right...another misadventure!

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